One Year!


It was mid week, mid October, that marked us as being full time live aboards for ONE YEAR! One whole year! It is astounding to me really. For one, how did the time go by so fast? And secondly, other than last year’s brutal winter, the transition to living aboard was almost, dare I say? Easy! Life
aboard was not without the usual ups and downs as far as boat life goes and well, add in the latest, um, err, bump in the road… Looking back there was a rather significant incident with our shore power cable burning out. All in all, any other incidents, if you could even call them incidents, have merely been part of learning and getting to know our boat. Frustrating in the moment, but really just par for the course. Ultimately, we have been blessed with a sound boat as there hasn’t been any surprises along the way. Well done Monster!

There has been, of course, several changes in our way of life that now, are just the norm for us. Our days and routines living aboard have simply become second nature. I tend to realize just how much our days differ when an conversation opens with, “Oh. You live on a boat?” “Yes. On the island…. No, we don’t have a car… No, no TV, no microwave. We cook on a denatured alcohol stove. We have a cold box instead of a refrigerator,… We have a lot less stuff, it’s kinda like living in a small condo… We live city side in the winter,… And, our Son? He loves it!” Fortunately, we are also super lucky to live in a marina community of like minded folks.  


A year in there is still lots to be done. Like any dwelling space it’s always surprising what you can accumulate in a year. We still have a good number of possessions to whittle down; clothes, toys and stuff. Not to mention the never ending project list on which we slowly toil away. There is even one box left to unpack. In the year ahead we are hoping and planning to focus a great deal of effort on refitting Monster. Ultimately, we are one year closer to embarking on our voyaging dreams!


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