Busy as Bees

We’ve been so caught up with Monster that I’ve fallen behind with posting, so this is a bit belated…

Now that the ice has finally melted the good ship Monster has been a hive of activity. We are in the home stretch of preparing the boat for departure for Toronto in a matter of days. Not only are we cleaning the boat after the long winter, but we are preparing to sail on our Maiden Voyage! One by one the projects are being crossed off the list. There’s still several more things to be done, but it’s all managable. The engine and generator are all in good order, as are all our navigational systems and safety equipment. The sails are rigged. All that can be is stowed and/or lashed. The weather is considered again and again. Our Boy has had his final day at school, until our arrival in Toronto and we get him all sorted at his new school. As it’s also the long holiday Easter weekend, we’ve fit in the usual Easter dinners with Family and chocolate eggs galore. We made a day trip to Kingston for some last minute provisions. There was one more bonfire upon the shore of the Bay. We also hosted an ‘open house’ aboard and welcomed our Son’s school Friends and Families by the boat for a look-see. Before we knew it, it was time to say our goodbyes to all the wonderful Friends and Families we had made. Farewell Bay of Quinte.

~~ This post ‘Busy as Bees’ first appeared on goodshipmonster.blogspot.ca ~~

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